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  • Writer's pictureNina Castle

True Me

Updated: Jul 28, 2022

I woke up the other morning with these words going through my head. I had been in even more conversation with God this week, and am always so thankful for the connection and for what He is telling me! I have been going through a lot of transformation and growth; I am grateful to all those who have been a positive impact and support on my journey! It is amazing how many new people you can meet and connect with even during a pandemic! So thankful!

May you find and live the TRUE you! Living your purpose, living out of love, and truly loving yourself is SO important in order to be your best self—who God created you to be! Sending many blessings and love on your journey!

Be present. Please read slowly to feel the sentiment behind each line…


True Me by Nina Castle, 7/14/22

I don’t need to be what THEY wanted me to be.

I have the choice to be the me, who’s TRULY me.

My soul has cried out for this!

My Creator has watched over this.

Now for all eternity,

Since NOW I finally see,

I am on my destiny—

My journey of bliss!

Yes this, is bliss.

The love I lost in childhood,

I give myself now.

The fear I felt in adulthood,

I throw away with this vow—

It is time to be me, yes the true me,

The one who loves myself unconditionally.

Free from the bondage of my past,

Unshackled from the confidence I once lacked,

Seeing myself for who I am inside—

A precious unique beautiful gem,

And a healing light to NO longer hide.

Time to embrace all that I am!

We are told to love unconditionally,

Like our most cherished Jesus who has set us free.

“Love as you love yourself”

Means that I must also love MYself!

My journey to “feel to heal”

Has helped me to be more real.

Layers removed have revealed:

My journey to health

Is my true wealth.

The love I lost in childhood,

I give myself now.

The fear I felt in adulthood,

I throw away with this vow—

It is time to be me, yes the TRUE me,

The one who loves myself unconditionally.

Free from the bondage of my past,

Unshackled from the confidence I once lacked,

Seeing myself for who I am inside—

A precious unique beautiful gem,

And a healing light to no longer hide.

I WILL embrace all that I am!

I will ALWAYS embrace all that I am!

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