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Shining Star (Walls & Masks)

By Nina Castle, November 2021 Eeek! I'm making myself a little vulnerable here... I was at a fabulous retreat last month. We were given...

Darling Michaela

“This day that you’ll always remember, July 17…” the preacher said. “Wait, what?!?” I thought. I looked at Tim, who looked at me, with a...

Plants & People

My dearest flower-bud friend: I pray that you can do more than survive; I pray for surroundings where you can thrive! I pray for you to...

Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day! As I reflect on Father’s Day, especially seeing friends’ social media posts and pictures with their fathers,...


As some of you may know, the song Blessings by Laura Story has a special meaning to me, since long story short, it periodically...


Independence Day. What does that mean to me today? What does that mean in the context of my family story? America. Land of the free. Home...

Blog - Prescriptions from Life: Blog2
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